18 September - 31 October 2013 | China Tinga Tinga China

Mzuguno exhibition in China

Venue: Keyuan Museum (Ke Garden Art Museum), No. 25, Daqiao Dong Road, Dongguan City, China

Curator: Keyuan Museum & International School of Dongguan


Description: The International School of Dongguan (ISD) is teaming up with Keyuan Museum in Dongguan to organize a spectacularly colorful and vibrant art exhibition featuring artworks of the Mzuguno sons. The exhibition showcases Tingatinga, a colorful visual art style originated in East Africa.

Source: Dongguan Today, Editor: Tan Jing

3 June - 20 December | Germany

Tingatinga Exhibition in Munich

From June to December 2013, a new Tingatinga exhibition will be presented in Munich, featuring freshly ordered paintings from Tanzania. Don’t miss it!

Opening Hours: Monday-Thursday 10:00 – 15:00 (and on demand)

Official Opening: July 11, 16:00

Address: ASZ Harlaching, Rotbuchenstr. 32, 81547 München

Contact: Tel.: +49 (0)89 69 90 660

Organizer: Chris

4 - 30 April 2013 | Czech Republic

Exhibition: Afrika vzdálená i blízká

Venue: Ostrava: AHOL GALLERY, námestí J. z Podebrad, Ostrava

Curator: Ahol Gallery ve spolupráci s obcanským sdružením Bez mámy

Source: Místní Umení, Clánek vložila Ludmila Kucerová

1 -10 April 2013| Sweden

Tingatinga - colorful paintings from Tanzania

Four exhibitions in the Stockholm area in April

The exhibition is organized by Marianne Nilsson Wallin in collaboration with the Swedish Church. Marianne has known and kept in touch with Tingatinga painting since its inception. Marianne has previously arranged several exhibitions in Sweden with Tingatinga paintings.

Abdallah Chilamboni, TACS chairman from 2011 to 2013, is now coming to Sweden and will hold several workshops in connection with the exhibitions in Ed, Spånga, Danderyd, and Åkersberga.

3/4 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Ed
5/4 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM Spånga parish house
7/4 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM Danderyd
7/4 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM Åkersberga

For more information:
2 March - 14 April | Denmark

ThorupART - Tingatinga from Craft to Art

Tingatinga - from Craft to Art presents a modern African painting style that challenges the boundary between craft and art, and between 'airport art' and genuine talent. The exhibition showcases the cheeky, humorous, and colorful contemporary Tingatinga paintings that move between colorful kitsch and captivating art.

The Tingatinga exhibition in Portalen is a collaboration with the Art Association Køge Bugt. Private viewings are available on Saturday, March 2nd at 2 pm. The exhibition features paintings for sale as well as the book, Tingatinga: Kitsch or Quality. Bicycle enamel on board and canvas, which is also available for purchase from the online shop.

Portalen Greve Teater & Musikhus, Portalen 1, 2670 Greve, Denmark

9 - 24 February | Italy
  • Venue: IL RAMO D’ORO Center for art and culture, Via Omodeo, 124, 80128 Napoli, Italy
  • Organizers: Patronized by the City Hall of Naples, curated by IL RAMO D’ORO
  • Time: 9-24 February 2013, opening performance on 9 February 2013 at 18:00
  • Exhibition title: "It's another story: Naive art in the collection of Il Ramo d’Oro"
  • Featured artists: Durga Bai, Mwamedi Chiwaya, Barbara Colmenares, José Dudamel, Tomas Flores, Vidalia Gonzalez, Setyo Mardiyantoro, Collen Maswangany, Mohamed Mpochogo, Saidi Nakoko, Saidi Omary, Rita Ragni, Bhajiu Shyam Edgar Vegas, Gabriel Garcia Volcàn, Mustapha Yusufu
  • Catalog: Available at tutta_un_altra_storia
  • 18 September - 31 October| China Tinga Tinga China
    26 April - 10 June | Italy
    • Date: April 26 to June 10
    • Location: Cortile del Museo delle Scienze, via Calepina 14 - Trento
    • Description: An educational exhibition about deforestation and its consequences, featuring fifteen Tingatinga technique paintings. The exhibition was created by the Nadir Onlus association and the Museo delle Scienze di Trento as part of a project co-financed by the Autonomous Province of Trento, with the aim of introducing alternative technologies for the production of fuelwood and energy savings in the city of Ifakara, Tanzania.
    Tinga Tinga Italy
    31 May - 3 Juni | Switzerland
    Tingatinga in der Schlosserei
    Rheingasse 33, Basel
    Vernissage Donnerstag, 31. Mai 18 Uhr

    14 April - 20 May | Sweden

    Nu visar ABF-salongen Tingatinga-konst på ABF i Märsta. Stora som små är varmt välkomna att komma och titta på färgstarka vackra tavlor från Tanzania. Under vernissagen får alla barn som vill måla sina egna Tingatingatavlor. Mer information på: ABF

    10 May - 1 September| USA

    East African Encounters:
    Contemporary Art from Kenya & Tanzania

    Exhibition dates:  Thursday, May 10 through Saturday, September 1, 2012
    Reception: Second Thursday, May 10th, 6 to 9pm

    Gallery Hours: Wednesday - Saturday, 12 - 6:00 pm.
    Location: Indigo Arts Gallery, Crane Arts Bldg., 1400 North American St., #104, Philadelphia PA 19122  215-765-1041
               Indigo Arts presents an introduction to the vibrant contemporary art scene in Kenya and Tanzania.  Kenyan artists include Kamau “Cartoon” Joseph, Dickson Kaloki, Shade Kamau, John Kamicha, Kevin Kariuki, Patrick Kayako, Kivuthi Mbuno, James Mbuthia, Yassir Ali Mohammed & Sane Wadu.  Tanzanian artists include the late George Thairu & George Lilanga & the finest “Tinga Tinga” painters - Omary Amonde, Mohamed Charinda, Jafari Mimus, Said Mkumba and Sayuki Matindiko.

    27 April - 6 May| Japan

    "Tinga Tinga Exhibition 2012" at Galerie Paris. The exhibition is attended by Abassy Mbuka who will stay in Japan until June.

    Tingatinga art, founded by Edward Saidi Tingatinga, is a style of painting that originated in the suburbs of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania in the late 1960s. This exhibition showcases works by younger practitioners of the style 40 years after the death of its founder.

    7 - 28 January | Switzerland

    Reading from the book: How the animals got their colours. (illustrated by Agnes Mpata and Issa Thabiti), Galerie Monfregola, Riehen. More info on www.tingatinga.ch.

    21 October - 30 November | Belgium

    Out of Tanzania

    Contemporay paintings and sculptures at Galerie Lumères d’Afrique

    Voir en ligne: Lumières d’Afrique

    You are invited to the Exhibition Opening : Friday 21/10 18.00h - 22.00h ,Exhibition : 21/10 - 30/11/2011, Mon - Wed by appointment / Thur - Sun 14.00h - 20.00h Selected artists :Haji Chilonga, Salum Kambi, Constantin Kiswanga, George Lilanga, Henrick Lilanga, David Mzuguno, Vinta Malaba, Dastani Nyedi.

    Out of Tanzania, Galerie Lumères d’Afrique

    8 December | Germany

    Der wunderbare Baum – Eine Geschichte aus Tansania
    Do 08.12., 17:00 Uhr

    Ort: W3 - Werkstatt für internationale Kultur und Politik e.V.
    Nernstweg 32-34, 22765 Hamburg

    Eintritt frei , Spende erwünscht
    Der Boden ist vertrocknet und der Hunger zieht ins Land – doch da gibt es den Baum mit den wunderbaren Früchten. Aber wie kommen die Tiere bloß an die Früchte heran? Die großen Tiere denken, nur sie selbst können das herausfinden…

    12 - 26 November | Japan

    The Tinga Tinga painters are frequent visitors to Japan. Only this year more than 7 painters from TACS were present at various exhibitions in Japan. And today (30 October) Mr.Abdul Mkura headed again to airport - it will be his visit number 10 to Japan. Mr. Abdul Mkura has even published a "solo" book about his paintings in Japanese language so he is well known there. I called him when he was in taxi to airport to learn more about the exhbition. If I undrestood well then the director of Royal Park Hotel in Tokyo invited him, the exhibition will be at the hotel. This Tokyo hotel is in the Nihonbashi neighborhood, adjacent to the Tokyo City Air Terminal. Mr. Abdul Mkura will stay in Japan for one month. Good Luck Mr.Mkura!

    Royal Park Hotel Tokyo

    21 October - 11 November | Japan


    Read about the exhibition in Kiswahili

    5 October - 31 December | Switzerland

    Ab sofort sind im Kreiskrankenhaus Lörrach Kunstwerke der Tingatinga-Malerei aus Tansania zu sehen. Christopher Schneider stellt diese farbenprächtigen Bilder bis Ende Dezember im Wartebereich der Röntgenabteilung aus. Ende der 1960er Jahre entwickelte der Autodidakt Edward Saidi Tingatinga die nach ihm benannte Kunstform in Dar es Salaam. Tingatinga Ausstellung im Kreiskrankenhaus Loerrach, Spitalstrasse 25, Loerrach, Germany. From Oct. 5 to Dec. 31.

    August - October | Czech Republic

    Umbrella of Stories. Exhibition of 3 tales illustrated by Charinda, Nangida, Kilaka and Peter Martin. Venue: Klenova Castle near Klatovy town See more photos (Jiri Strasek, Vaclav Vojta)

    September | Tanzania

    Exhibition and launching of Tinga Tinga book!

    24 September - 10 October | Italy

    Sala cannoniera della Fortezza Girifalco mostra "Tingatinga", arte africana contemporanea.Inaugurazione sabato 24 settembre alle ore 17.00. La mostra è un prodotto del Centro di documentazione Tamburo Parlante (Montone, PG) con la collaborazione di: Comune di Cortona, Comune di Montone, associazione culturale Gotama.Orario: tutti i giorni 10-19 Ingresso libero

    3-28 September Sweden


    3 - 30 June| Japan

    Tinga Tinga in Tokyo on two places. First it will be at Sinjuku Kinokuniya between 3-12 June and then at Kinokuniya Shinjuku South Store between 15 - 30 June. The event is sponsored by Japanese Embassy in Tanzania. Photo: The Tanzania Ambassador to Japan Mrs. Salome Sijaona - Middle) www.kinokuniya.co.jp

    Tanzania Ambassador in Japan - Mrs. Salome Sijaona

    May | Sweden

    Tinga Tinga in Alingsås in Art Don, ABB company.

    May -August | Holland

    Tinga Tinga menu at 3 Stones Kenyan Restaurant in Hague! See www.3stones.info

    24 - 25 April | UK

    An exhibition of Tinga Tinga art will be held at West Midland Safari Park over the Easter weekend.

    8 - 30 June | Switzerland

    Tingatinga an Afropfingsten 2011,Winterthur Ausstellung im Kulturzentrum Alte Kaserne
    Vernissage Mittwoch, 8. Juni 19 Uhr

    5 May - 31 May | Denmark

    Tingatinga billeder og nyt fra Kirsten & Erling Qvist i Tanzania.
    De viser billeder og fortæller nyt om deres liv i Tanzania, hvor de har levet siden 2002. Samtidig åbner udstillingen af Tingatinga billeder malet af Kimambo. Udstillingen kan ses frem til den 31. maj.
    Tilmelding nedenfor eller på biblioteket fra den 11. april. Torsdag den 5. maj; Kl. 19 på Bov Bibliotek, Fri entré

    April | Australia

    Feauturing Tinga Tinga paintings from Tanzania and Shona stone sculptures From Zimbabwe. Now also available during the exhibition Tinga Tinga tales, colourful childrens' books inspired by traditional animal stories from Africa. Source: http://www.sanaaafrika.com.au

    16 May - 15 June 2011| Poland

    MALARSTWA TINGATINGA Na wystawie mozna obejrzec obrazy artystów z Tanzanii ze zbiorów Panstwowego Muzeum Etnograficznego w Warszawie. Wystawe mozna zobaczyc w Muzeum Regionalnym przy ulicy Blazinskiej 1 w Ilzy

    4 - 29 April 2011| Belgium

    TRIBUTE TO MZUGUNO. Vernissage 06 April 17h00; La Galleria, 41 rue de la Loi, 1000 Bruxelles. Please note access to the David Mzuguno Tribute opening on 6th April, or visit of the exhibition, is reserved to European Commission Members or Staff. Please send your name and email if you wish to request an access badge to see the show before 31st March to : info@lumieresdafrique.eu http://www.lumieresdafrique.eu

    18 March - 18 April | Uganda

    THE SONS OF THE MASTER is the title of the contemporary visual arts exhibition at the International School of Uganda (Entebbe Rd). The official opening of the exhibition is on March 18th 2011 at 6pm. The exhibition pays respect to Tingatinga painter DAVID MZUGUNO, who passed away last year. His four children, Rashid, Juma, Kipara and Mchana Mzuguno, have inherited their father’s talent, and it is now their biggest exhibition so far.

    29 March - 30 April| UK

    Art out of Africa - Tingatinga Paintings Peepul Centre, Orchardson Avenue, Leicester. LE4 6DP , Tel: 0116 261 6000, As seen on Cbeebies Tingatinga Stories, these art works present a personal style based on Swahili and Arabic traditions illustrating colourful animals. For more information visit: www.artoutofafrica.co.uk.

    5 December - 28 February | Germany

    Pictures and drawings by a Tanzanian artist. John Kilaka will be present to open this exhibition! www.ijb.de

    11 November - 30 January | Finland

    Mikkeli Museum. Tinga Tinga Tales - Exhibition in Art Museum in Mikelle in Finland. 3 Artists present African Tales - Mohamed Charinda - Tales about Shimoje, John Kilaka and Peter Martin - Tales about Vubi. Nangida Masawe - Rabbits and Tortoise

    9 October - 9 December | India

    Works of contemporary artists from Tanzania and Kenya put together by renowned artist Muzu Sulemanji who traces his roots back to India. There are some artworks that show the influence of the Tingatinga movement.Gurgaon

    28 October - 20 November | Germany

    Tinga Tinga: Zentrum · Von Donnerstag, 28. Oktober, bis Samstag, 20. November findet in der Kunstbehandlung.KG, Müllerstraße 40, die Gruppenausstellung »Metamorphosen« statt. Eine Verwandlung der Form oder des Zustandes in Zoologie, Botanik oder auch in der Geologie bezeichnet man als »Metamorphose«. Die Vernissage findet am Donnerstag, 28. Oktober, ab 20 Uhr statt. Öffnungszeiten der Ausstellung sind Montag, Dienstag, Donnerstag und Freitag jeweils von 12 bis 14 und 16 bis 20 Uhr und samstags 11 bis 20 Uhr sowie nach Aushang und Vereinbarung, mittwochs ist geschlossen. http://www.wochenanzeiger.de

    29 October | Germany

    John Kilaka: Lesefest Seiteneinsteiger: Frische Fische, 29.10.2010, 10:00 Uhr, Stephanie Mülder präsentiert die musikalische Lesung: "Frische Fische" nach einer Geschichte von John Kilaka., Der Eintritt ist frei., Veranstaltungsort: Bücherhalle Elbvororte: Sülldorfer Kirchenweg 1a, 22587 Hamburg, http://buecherhallen.de

    1 September - 31 October | Germany

    Tinga Tinga paintings displayed at Missionskreis St. Paul Frau Lisa Vratz Flensburger Zeile 3 d 47829 Krefeld Tel. 02151 / 470 376 h.e.vratz@t-online.de, www.medeor.de

    18 October - 21 November

    A small Tinga Tinga exhibiton at Cajovna v Siti in Prague at masarykova street in Prague. It will be opened in connection with Lukas Synek´s speech about Malawi. See more info on the flyer at the left menu

    23-26 September | Sweden

    Meet John Kilaka when he is talking about his books. Göteborg Book Fair

    30 July - 15 September | Italy

    Il Ramo d´oro, Naples. Vincenzo Montella introduces us to all african exhibition. Works by Mpochogo, Nakoko and other artists are included.

    8-18 July | Germany

    The painter Kondo Ally Kabongo displays his paintings which are used in his book Simba. The paintings are ispired by Tinga Tinga art and are shown at Hoffman Theater - Bamberg.

    August | Belgium

    African Sumer 2010. A group show and selection of fine artworks from East African artists. From Tanzania two artists are featured: Dastani Nyedi and George Lilanga. Galerie Lumières d'Afrique

    3-6 August | Germany

    Eine Ausstellung mit Tinga-Tinga-Bildern aus Tanzania und Werken der Licher Künstlerin Heike Bender ist bis zum 16. August im Foyer des Rathauses zu sehen. http://www.giessener-anzeiger.de

    1 July - 31 August | Czech Republic

    Výstava obrazu unikátního malírského stylu jižní Tanzánie. Motivy obrazu vycházejí predevším z africké prírody a pouta cloveka s prírodou. http://www.hradsvihov.cz

    18 June - 25 Augusti | Slovakia

    Come to try the taste of Africa at the opening of the exhibition of African art Tinga tinga on 18. 06. 2010 at 18.00 in Bojnice wine house. We look forward to welcoming you. (notice: Paintings by A.Hasani will be presented)

    3 July - 27 August | London

    The opening and preview will be on Friday 2nd July 2010 and a speaker from the Tanzanian High Commission and a speaker from The British Museum will attend. Guest will inlcude the Tanzanian Trade Centre, Tanzania UK Community, and various organisation and interested parties alike.

    3 July - 27 August | Denmark

    Tingatinga: Kitsch or Quality

    3 July | Hungary

    Tinga Tinga 2010

    21 July | Germany

    Der Würzburger Weltladen lädt am 22. Juli zu einer Vernissage zur neuen Tingatinga-Malerei aus Tansania ein. http://www.tvtouring.de

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